This post provides a quick introduction to using rebar3 in LFE projects or in Erlang+LFE projects. After this quick read, you'll be able to jump right in to LFE development in projects managed with rebar3 :-)

With the support of namespaces landing in rebar3 last year, the LFE community started making slow but steady progress toward adopting rebar3 as its preferred tool for building projects, running tests, creating releases, examining dependency trees, generating docs, and creating generally useful, project-oriented command-line tools.

As a community, we've still got a ways to go before we completely reproduce all the functionality that has been provided by lfetool, but every new LFE plugin brings us closer to that goal.

Note that this post assumes that you already have Erlang installed on your system.

Installing rebar3

There are several ways to get rebar3 (including building it yourself), but most of us use the readily available option provided on the project's README:

$ wget && chmod +x rebar3
$ sudo mv rebar3 /usr/local/bin

This is the nightly build. I have been very happy with the nightlies and have used them consistently in both development and production without any issues. If you'd like to read more about installing rebar3, be sure to check out the getting started page.

Compiling LFE Files

With rebar3 installed, you're ready to rock and roll: bringing LFE into an Erlang project is as simple as updating your rebar.config file. (Note that if you are moving from rebar to rebar3, it is indeed a move: for the most part, rebar3 configuration options are not backwards compatible with rebar).

If you've got an Erlang project and you want to support adding LFE files to it, here's all you need to do to the project's rebar.config:

{plugins, [
     {git, "", {tag, "0.3.0"}}}

{provider_hooks, [{pre, [{compile, {lfe, compile}}]}]}.

Then, add .lfe source files to your heart's content. When done, simply compile:

$ rebar3 compile

This will pull down all the dependencies that the LFE-rebar3 plugin has (including LFE itself), compile all your .erl files that rebar3 normally does, and then compile any .lfe files you have added.

Note that if you only want to (re-)compile .lfe files, you may explicitly call the plugin's compile command:

$ rebar3 lfe compile

If your project is LFE-only (no .erl files), the set up is exactly the same.

Bringing in LFE Libraries

If you'd like to add some of the community LFE libraries to your project, or pull in libraries from somewhere else, simply add them to the deps section in the rebar.config. Here's how you add the LFE library which allows you to use some Clojure idioms in your LFE code (e.g., the -> and ->> thrushing macros):

{deps, [
   {clj, ".*", {git, "git://", {tag, "0.4.0"}}}

Running rebar3 compile again will pull down this library and all of its dependencies, making all of their modules and include files available for use in your LFE code. (Note that if you want to use the thrushing macros, you'll need to put (include-lib "clj/include/compose.lfe") after your defmodule.)

LFE Plugins

The LFE compile plugin is written in Erlang. However, all the other LFE-rebar3 plugins currently under development are written in LFE itself. There are a few small utility plugins that we've been experimenting with, but perhaps the most useful plugin right now is the lodox documentation-generator (inspired by Clojure's Codox).

If you'd like to use this plugin, simply add it to your other rebar3 plugins:

{plugins, [
     {git, "", {tag, "0.3.0"}}},
     {git, "", {tag, "0.12.10"}}}

And then you are ready to use it to generate HTML docs for your LFE source code:

$ rebar3 lfe lodox

rebar3 Features

rebar3 is a fantastic tool with a whole suite of incredibly useful features. If you run the following command:

$ rebar3 --help

part of the output will show the standard commands that come with the tool (many of which also take their own subcommands; try out rebar new --help):

as                Higher order provider for running multiple tasks in ...
clean             Remove compiled beam files from apps.
compile           Compile apps .app.src and .erl files.
cover             Perform coverage analysis.
ct                Run Common Tests.
deps              List dependencies
dialyzer          Run the Dialyzer analyzer on the project.
do                Higher order provider for running multiple tasks in ...
edoc              Generate documentation using edoc.
escriptize        Generate escript archive.
eunit             Run EUnit Tests.
help              Display a list of tasks or help for a given task or subtask.
new               Create new project from templates.
path              Print paths to build dirs in current profile.
pkgs              List available packages.
release           Build release of project.
relup             Create relup of releases.
report            Provide a crash report to be sent to the rebar3 issues page.
shell             Run shell with project apps and deps in path.
tar               Tar archive of release built of project.
tree              Print dependency tree.
unlock            Unlock dependencies.
update            Update package index.
upgrade           Upgrade dependencies.
version           Print version for rebar and current Erlang.
xref              Run cross reference analysis.

Note that if you have a bunch of LFE plugins configured for use in your project, you'll also see those displayed as part of the output of rebar3 help:

lfe <task>:
  clean          The LFE rebar3 clean plugin.
  compile        The LFE rebar3 compiler plugin
  lodox          Generate documentation from LFE source files.
  repl           The LFE rebar3 LFE REPL plugin.
  test           The LFE rebar3 test plugin.
  version        The LFE rebar3 version plugin.

I've found the tree command quite helpful to track down explicit dependencies and their versions when debugging issues between projects:

$ rebar3 tree
===> Verifying dependencies...
└─ lsci─0.0.2 (project app)
   ├─ encurses─0.4.1 (git repo)
   └─ py─0.0.5 (git repo)
      ├─ erlport─0.9.8 (git repo)
      ├─ logjam─0.4.0 (git repo)
      │  ├─ color─0.2.0 (git repo)
      │  ├─ lager─3.1.0 (git repo)
      │  │  └─ goldrush─0.1.8 (git repo)
      │  └─ lcfg─ (git repo)
      │     └─ ltest─0.8.0 (git repo)
      └─ lutil─0.8.0 (git repo)
         ├─ clj─0.4.0 (git repo)
         │  └─ kla─0.6.0 (git repo)
         └─ lfe─1.0 (git repo)


This rebar3 feature is important enough for its own section :-) You can read about rebar3 profiles here but in short, they allow you to split up potentially very large rebar.config files into sections that will only get run if a particular profile is active.

Practically speaking, this means that you can do things like the following:

  • allow your users to only download the minimum dependencies when compiling your library
  • for example, only downloading and compiling the testing framework when running tests, or
  • only downloading doc tools when running the "docs" profile
  • providing developer tools only run running the "dev" profile
  • set explicit dependencies on a per-profile basis
  • avoid some cyclic dependency issues

This drastically reduced download and compile times for several of our more dependency-heavy libraries. Here's an example of an LFE project's rebar.config file making good use of the profiles feature. In that example, you can run the following commands to perform the per-profile actions:

Run the unit tests:

$ rebar3 as test eunit

Get detailed version info:

$ rebar3 as dev lfe version

Build the API reference for the project:

$ rebar3 as docs lfe lodox

We've only just started using rebar3 profiles in some of the LFE libraries, but we're already pretty big fans.

Community Goals

Our ultimate goal with rebar3 is to provide a suite of genuinely useful LFE plugins (written in LFE) that devs adore using. One of the things we've got slated for up-coming hack time is templates for LFE projects: not only providing LFE versions of the Erlang ones that ship with rebar3 but also YAWS, elli, and LFE Dragon templates.



25 March 2016


