This week's LFE Friday was translated with permission from the Erlang Thursday series by Steven Proctor. This week's translator: Robert Virding.

Today's LFE Friday is on erl_tar:create/2.

erl_tar:create/2 creates a tar file with a given filename and adds the given list of filenames to the archive.

erl_tar:create/2 takes two arguments, the first is a filename to write to, and the second argument is a list of filenames to add to the tar file.

First, we will open up a new OS shell session and create some files to add to a new tar file.

$ echo "foo" > foo.txt
$ echo "bar" > bar.txt
$ echo "baz" > baz.txt
$ ls 
bar.txt  baz.txt  foo.txt

Now that we have some files to archive, we can open up a new lfe session, and create a new tar file named test.tar.

> (erl_tar:create "test.tar" '("foo.txt" "bar.txt" "baz.txt"))

That looks like it worked; so let's go to an OS shell, and inspect the resulting file for the filename we gave to erl_tar:create/3.

$ tar -tf test.tar

And yes, tar can read that file and tells us that the three files we added are indeed part of the tar file.

Erlang also provides erl_tar:create/3 that takes a options list as it's last argument.

We will create a new file, with the same contents, and pass in that we want this tar file to be compressed, and to be verbose with what it is doing as well.

> (erl_tar:create "options.tar.gz" '("foo.txt" "bar.txt" "baz.txt") '(compressed verbose))
a foo.txt
a bar.txt
a baz.txt

Again, let's switch back to our OS shell, and inspect the resulting file.

$ tar -tf options.tar.gz

And let's test it to see if it was considered compressed by gzip.

$ gzip --test options.tar.gz

And there we go, gzip considers this a compressed file with integrity. So let's take a look at the size difference between the two tar files we created.

$ ls -l test.tar options.tar.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 rv  staff    158 Sep 18 01:43 options.tar.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 rv  staff  10240 Sep 18 01:43 test.tar

And looking at the filesize we can see that it is definitely compressed, as options.tar.gz is two orders of magnitude smaller than test.tar.

As we just created test.tar and saw it had the contents, let's see what happens when we call create on a file that already exists, by passing the same filename with a empty list of files.

> (erl_tar:create "test.tar" ())

And we take a look at the contents, we can see the original tar has been replaced.

$ tar -tf test.tar

This tells us that erl_tar:create/2 will create a tar file and overwrite the existing file, and doesn't error out if the file already exists (assuming the user the shell is running has access to write to that file/directory).

If we give a bad path for a file, we can see that erl_tar:create/2 will return a error tuple, with the filename and reason for the failure.

> (erl_tar:create "/path/does/not/exist" ())
#(error #("/path/does/not/exist" enoent))

There a few potential gotchas to be aware of. First, the documentation states that it takes filename()s as arguments, but the documentation page for erl_tar does not specify on that page what a filename data type is.

If you use atom()s for the filename, you are going to get an error like the one below that I was getting at first, before using string()s for the filenames.

> (erl_tar:create 'test.tar '(foo.txt bar.txt baz.txt))
exception error: function_clause
  in (: filename join ())
  in erl_tar:split_filename/4 (erl_tar.erl, line 471)
  in erl_tar:create_header/3 (erl_tar.erl, line 400)
  in erl_tar:add1/4 (erl_tar.erl, line 323)
  in erl_tar:foreach_while_ok/2 (erl_tar.erl, line 1000)
  in erl_tar:create/3 (erl_tar.erl, line 132)

Second, according to the Limitations section of the erl_tar documentation page, filenames should be less than 100 characters for maximum compatibility across different systems and version of the tar program.

Lastly, it is on us the user to include the file extension when specifying the filename, as erl_tar:create/2 does not manage the extension for us.

-Proctor, Robert



18 September 2015


