This week's LFE Friday was translated with permission from the Erlang Thursday series by Steven Proctor. This week's translator: Robert Virding.

Today’s LFE Friday is string:tokens/2.

string:tokens/2 takes a string as the first argument, and a list of separators to split the string on, and returns a list of token strings.

> (string:tokens "foo" "")
> (string:tokens "banana" "a")
("b" "n" "n")
> (string:tokens "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times" " ") 
("It" "was" "the" "best" "of" "times," "it" "was" "the" "worst" "of" "times")

If consecutive separators appear in the string they will be treated as a single separator, and no empty strings will be returned.

> (string:tokens "Mississippi" "s")
("Mi" "i" "ippi")
> (string:tokens "Mississippi" "sp")
("Mi" "i" "i" "i")
> (string:tokens "Mississippi" "is")
("M" "pp")

The order of the separators in the separator list passed to string:tokens/2 does not matter, and can be specified in any order.

> (string:tokens "Mississippi" "ps")                                       
("Mi" "i" "i" "i")
> (string:tokens "Mississippi" "sp")
("Mi" "i" "i" "i")

And as the separator list is just simply a list of separators, instead of passing a string, the integer values for the characters to use as the separators can be passed as a list, as a list of the integers is the same as a string.

> #\s
> #\p
> '(115 112)
> (string:tokens "Mississippi" '(115))
("Mi" "i" "ippi")
> (string:tokens "Mississippi" '(115 112))
("Mi" "i" "i" "i")

–Proctor, Robert



13 February 2015


