Prior to the new site getting launched, the documentation pages had been serving multiple-duty:

  • LFE documentation, tutorials, guides, etc.
  • Community resources.
  • General landing page for LFE on the web (in addition to the GitHub code repo).

This has now been reduced to just double-duty :-) (docs and community resources). At some point, additional refinement may be necessary, but until then we shall continue on as-is.

Some changes to be aware of for the docs site:

  • The old front page is completely gone (including the beloved paragraph starting with "Nothing Quite Compares… …To the taste of Erlang, aged in the oaken barrels of Lisp, served at a temperature of perfect hotness"
  • The new front page jumps you right into a view showing all the documentation options provided by the site.
  • The community page has been over-hauled, refined, and had dead links removed.
  • There is a new page listing the LFE presentations given over the years.
  • "How to Contribute" has now been moved into its own page with a link in the header.
  • A link is now given in the header for the new main LFE site.

All in all, we believe these new changes will greatly increase the usability of the site and allow folks to more quickly find what they are looking for.



23 May 2014


